Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The "War on Terror"

Mislabeled as a war againest a technique, the "War on Terror" is in fact a global struggle pitting radical Islamic expansionism against mostly Western style democratices

The Viet Nam War

Like Korea, efforts were intiated in Viet Nam to impede the spread of communism, and to ensure access to raw materials and open markets.

The Korean Conflict

Efforts to stop the spread of communism remain unresolved as North and South Korea remain divided, with troops on the boarder between them.

The Civil Rights Movment

The Legacy of slavery in the United States plays out in the mid-1950s to the present, with demands for equal rights ensured by legislation and jugical rules.

World War II

The rise and ambitions of Germany and Japan lead to all out global conflict.

The "Great" Depression

Lack of regulation in the banking and stocking market systems lead to speculation and collapse

World War I

The nations of Europe aligned against each other. "The war to end all wars!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The United States Civil War

Westward Expansion

American Revolution

Colonial Times

this posts covers the peiriod following the age of exploration. to the begginings of conflicts with great britan. it includes information illistrations maps and links related to websites.